Super Snow Moon Tonight, Feb 19, 2019

Step outside tonight, look up, and you’ll feel better.

Supermoon, 2019’s Biggest and Brightest, will Light up the Sky

Ashley Strickland and Rob Picheta, CNN
Tue February 19, 2019

February’s full moon will brighten the skies on Tuesday as the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year.

The super snow moon is the second of three supermoon events in the first three months of the year — a packed lunar calendar for 2019, which marks the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the mission that took the first humans to the moon.
It will make the moon appear unusually large when it rises and sets, and — like most lunar events — is sure to draw amateur star gazers around the world outside.
The supermoon will occur during this full moon because it will be closest in its orbit to Earth.
Technically, the supermoon will reach its peak on Tuesday morning at 10:54 a.m. ET, but it won’t be visible then. Instead, keep an eye out later in the day.
Moonrise will be the best time for those interested in capturing dramatic supermoon photos because the moon will be closest to the horizon. Check your local time for moonrise here.
The moon looking deceptively large is known as a “Moon illusion,” which occurs when the moon is close to the horizon and objects such as buildings or trees are in front of it for scale, which tricks our brains into thinking the moon is closer to the objects than it really is.
Each month, the full moon carries a different name signifying what is most associated with that time. This is because centuries ago, lunar months were associated with the changing seasons rather than the solar year.