Super Cheap at Amazon

I’d normally recommend that book lovers patronize their local independent bookstore, but I see that the bargain price has returned for the hardcover edition of Letter to My Daughter on, and it’s hard to beat: $8.00.

That’s less than a pizza.  Also, you can read it again and again, but a pizza you can only eat once.

Here’s the Amazon link:

Good People at Goodreads

Thanks to all the good people at Goodreads who are reading and recommending my book. Like Melissa, who recently wrote:

“I was a little iffy about picking up this book. I wasn’t too sure that a male author could really write a book based on a female’s point of view and make me want to read it.  I was completely surprised to find that Mr. Bishop did exactly that.  From the moment I picked this book up I couldn’t put it down . . . ”

Thanks, Melissa, wherever you are.

New Novel

Just received word that my new novel, The Night of the Comet, will be coming out next year, the summer of 2013, with Ballantine Books.

Yes, you can break out the champagne now.


Enjoyed meeting librarians and signing books (my book, that is) at the Louisiana Library Association’s conference in Shreveport on Thursday.
Last time I was in Shreveport was two decades ago, for the filming of that little known but much beloved movie classic, Teen Vamp.

Faulkner Society Words and Music Festival, Saturday, Nov. 12th

I’ll be moderating a panel discussion this Saturday with authors Mark Yakich and Pamela Ewen and agent Elise Capron at the Faulkner Society Words & Music Festival in New Orleans.
If you’ve ever wondered how “The Old Verities of Story Telling Still Apply as Inspiration for 21st Century Literature,” come check us out. We’ll tell you, I guess.
Saturday, Nov. 12
11:00 a.m.
Nouvelle Orleans Ballroom, Hotel Monteleone

Next Novel

I recently submitted the manuscript for my next novel to Random House. Like Letter to My Daughter, it’s set in south Louisiana in the 1970s, but this one is more of a father-son story. More on it later . . .