Faulkner Society Words and Music Festival

It’ll be a busy week for literary folks in New Orleans with the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society 2010 Words and Music Festival. It should be a good festival, with not only lots of readings and panels, but also theatre, music, food, dancing. As a bonus, the ghost of William (“Bill”) Faulkner is said to haunt the festival.

Here’s the schedule of events:

2010 Words and Music Festival Schedule

I’ll be appearing at two events.

The first is the opening event of the festival, a Master Class for Students and Teachers, together with author Tim O’Brien. I’ll be presenting the winners of the 2010 high school short story competition. That’s Wednesday, November 17, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre in New Orleans.
The next is a panel discussion on The Literature of War & Collateral Damage: The Art of Telling Your Favorite War Story. That’ll be with authors Stewart O’Nan, Josh Russell, and Elise Blackwell. Saturday, November 20, 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans.

1718 Reading at The Columns

I’ll be reading from and signing copies of Letter to My Daughter next Tuesday, September 7 at 7:00 p.m. at The Columns hotel and bar on St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans.

The 1718 Reading Series is a terrific monthly event bringing together students and teachers of the creative writing programs from the University of New Orleans, Tulane University, and Loyola University (my alma mater). Each month they invite a different guest speaker-reader, and then a few students from the universities read their work.
Past guests have been Joseph Boyden, Rikki Ducornet, and poet Nicole Cooley. Next week will be me. Anyone can come. Happy hour from 5-7.

Baton Rouge Gallery, July 18 Reading and Signing

I’ll be reading from and signing copies of “Letter to My Daughter” at the Baton Rouge Gallery on Sunday, July 18, 4:00. Refreshments will be served. Everyone’s invited, even if you don’t live in Baton Rouge.

Here’s the info:
1442 City Park Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Thank You to Bloggers!

Thank you to all the bloggers who have written about my book lately, especially Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit, Vera at Luxury Reading, Laura at Overstuffed, Jenn at Juggling Life, Susan at Suko’s Notebook, Anna at Diary of an Eccentric, Carrie at Books and Movies, Kristen at Book Club Classics, Melissa at Book Nut, Emily at Not That You Asked, Lisa at Lit and Life, and Gita at the Feminist Review. You’re the best readers an author could hope for. I appreciate all the comments from your visitors, as well. Cheers.

Latter Library, New Orleans, May 19

On Wednesday, May 19, I’ll be signing books at the wonderful old Latter Library in New Orleans, 6:00-7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served.

The Latter Library is on St. Charles Avenue, in a mansion built in the early 1900s by the founder of the Maison Blanche department stores and then donated as a library to the city by the subsequent owners in memory of their son, who was killed in WWII. In addition to readings, talks, and signings, the library also hosts a Poetry by Candlelight series. I used to enjoy coming here when I was a student at Loyola–the most elegant public reading rooms in the city.
They have a Facebook page, here.

Alabama Visit

Enjoyed my trip to Alabama last week, to sign books at the Alabama Booksmith in Birmingham and Page and Palette in Fairhope. If you’re ever near one of these cities and you like books, be sure to stop in and visit these places.

Jake Reiss, the owner of Alabama Booksmith, is a huge fan of books with good taste in literature. His store is one of the must-stop venues for author signings, and so he has a wonderful selection of signed new books and first editions. Good cookies, too. Ask him about how he used to be a tailor.
Page and Palette is right on the main street of Fairhope, and gets its traffic from plenty of loyal locals as well as all the tourists who come to see the town. Karin and Kiefer Wilson, the owners, keep the story busy with author visits and signings throughout the week. They have a great coffee shop, too, where you can sit in one of the unusual high wooden chairs (shoe-shine chairs?) and read the books you just bought while sipping your iced mocha.

More Readings and Signings

I’ll be doing a couple more readings and signings this week. On Monday, May 3 at 4pm I’ll be at the Alabama Booksmith in Birmingham. Then on Saturday, May 8 at 2pm I’ll be at Page & Palette bookstore in Fairhope.

Drop by these fine bookstores if you’re in the neighborhood. Here are the links:

Thanks to Readers and Bloggers

I’d like to give a big thank-you to all the bloggers who’ve read and reviewed Letter to My Daughter, among them:

A Reader’s Respite
Bermuda Onion
Bibliophile by the Sea
Reading at the Beach
Cajun Book Lady
Library Girl Reads
Missy’s Book Nook
Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews
Jen’s Book Talk
Carpe Libris
I’m sure I missed some, so thanks to anyone I overlooked, too.
I just attended the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival, and everyone there–authors, agents, publishers, publicists–spoke about how very important bloggers and readers like these are. The feeling I got was that without them, the industry wouldn’t survive.
So cheers to you, readers and bloggers!

Letter Writing in the Classroom

Here’s something I wrote for the Random House, Inc. website for teachers about using letters in the classroom. (See their website at http://www.rhimagazine.com/.)

Do most people agree with the idea that letters on paper seem more important, more permanent, than email? Or will letter writing go the way of stone tablets and papyrus rolls–outdated media destined to be replaced by a newer, better mode of communication?
In other words, does anyone ever write letters anymore? Or am I just a 20th century, pre-technological romantic, clinging to a vanished past?

Letter to My Daughter, Letters in the Classroom

George Bishop talks about using letter writing in the classroom.

In my novel Letter to My Daughter, Laura, a middle-aged mother, writes a long letter to her runaway daughter. Early on in the story, she bemoans the fact that letter writing seems to be a dying art: In this hyperactive age of emails and text messages, the kind of correspondence that Tim [her boyfriend] and I shared must seem like an anachronism to you . . . But I sincerely hope, dear Elizabeth, that someday you might have the pleasure of such an anachronism; that one day you’ll experience for yourself the irreplaceable joy of receiving letters from a lover.” Much like my protagonist, I too appreciate the value of letters as a form of communication, and for this reason I’m always looking for ways to incorporate letter-writing activities in my English classes.

Unlike an electronic message, a letter’s a tangible thing; it’s got heft and substance. We can hold it in our hands, turn it over, smell it even. We appreciate the extra time it took the sender to write out their thoughts on paper, put the paper in an envelope, address, stamp, and mail it. A letter says, Listen to me. I’ve got something important to tell you.

A letter begs to be preserved, too, as a kind of historical document. In a cedar trunk in her closet, tied up in pink ribbon, my grandmother saved the letters she exchanged with her husband while he was away entertaining troops in Europe during World War II. In this respect, a letter is both more private and public than forms of electronic communication: private because of the intimacy we associate with letter writing, but public because we recognize that our letters may one day be read by others after we’re gone. Will children sixty or seventy years from now read the emails and text messages their grandparents sent when they were first falling in love? It’s possible, but I somehow doubt it.

Because a letter seems more important and more lasting than other forms of written communication, we tend to take special care with its composition. I’ve been thinking about personal letters so far, but this holds even truer in the business world, where letters can be binding documents. I once had a temp job in the legal department of Pacific Oil and Gas Company, and my boss, an attorney, would spend an entire day writing and re-writing a single one-page letter for me to type. Hundreds of thousands of dollars, I learned, could hinge on the use of “the” or “a” as an article. Business people, like lovers, know how crucial it is to get the words exactly right in their letters.

So for all these reasons, but mainly because I find it to be a fun and useful way to get students to put pen to paper, I like to practice letter writing in my English classes. I’ve used letter-writing activities across a wide range of levels and settings, from beginning EFL classes for young teens in a Turkish elementary school, to Business Communication classes for adults in a community college in North Carolina. Some of my favorite letter-writing activities over the years, and ones that almost always prove popular with students, are:

  • letters asking for and giving advice (a la “Dear Abby”);
  • letters of complaint (to a school official, city department, store, etc.);
  • letters of request (to a local business or government agency requesting information or brochures, for example);
  • letters of introduction (of yourself to a potential employer, or a friend to a host abroad);
  • letters to the editor (addressing some issue in the news);
  • a letter to a friend or family member that you’ll never send; and,
  • a letter to yourself ten years from now.

In all of these activities I like to make the letters as genuine as possible: students write letters that if not actually mailed, could be mailed. Or I’ll exchange the letters between students, or between classes, or even between different schools, and then have other students write replies. The critical thing for most of these activities is that students should be able to see some response to their letters. My young Turkish students loved getting replies from students in the US, for instance (“Look! English works!”). Teenage students everywhere, I’ve found, enjoy coming up with and writing answers to “Dear Abby”-style letters. And, most impressively, I know of one high school teacher in the US who’s had an amazing rate of success in getting his students’ letters printed in The New York Times.

The advantage of letter-writing activities like these is that they engage students in real, purposeful communication, with clear audiences in mind. (Contrast, for example, the instruction to “Write an essay about an important experience in your life” to “Write a letter to your best friend telling him or her the most exciting thing that happened to you over the summer.”) Good letter writing requires the same attention to skills that we look for in all academic writing: things like organization, evidence, grammatical accuracy, awareness of tone and audience, and so forth. These elements are also important in business communications, so students who learn how to draft a good letter or memo will be prized in almost any line of work. But finally, and most importantly, letter-writing activities like these are enjoyable and meaningful for students.

Letter writing doesn’t have to be a dying art, not if we teachers don’t want it to be. I believe it’s something well worth practicing and preserving in the classroom. As a final testament to the value of letter writing, let me turn again to my novel. When Laura first realizes that her daughter really has run away from home; when she understands how distant she and her daughter have become; when she sees at last that the very survival of their family is at stake; she turns to the one thing that she believes will save their relationship—the most powerful and intimate demonstration of her love that she can think of: a letter.