I’m excited to be joining the faculty of the New Orleans Writers Workshop. This spring I’ll be teaching a 4-week workshop on “Creating Great Characters in Fiction.” Below’s the course description and a link to more info. Come join us if you’re in the area. King Cake will probably be on the agenda.

Creating Great Characters in Fiction
Stories are often described as being “plot driven” or “character driven,” but all fiction, regardless of style or genre, relies on strong, memorable characters: people so vivid and real, we feel like we know them.
This four-week novel writing workshop will devote special attention to building memorable characters in long-form fiction. In addition to workshopping participants’ writing, we’ll also use guided exercises to help members explore and deepen their fictional creations.
Suggested texts are John Gardner’s The Art of Fiction and On Becoming a Novelist. Participants should bring in 10-25 pages from any chapter of a potential novel or a novel-in-progress. Recommended for intermediate to advanced level writers.
More at neworleanswriters.com