Square Books in Oxford, MS

At Square Books in Oxford with Richard Howorth and team. Besides operating the three bookshops on the square, the store also hosts the live broadcasts of Thacker Mountain Radio once a week.

Square Books

Lisa Howarth, on the right, has her first novel coming out in May 2014 with Bloomsbury.

And here’s another picture of Mr. Faulkner, whose old home I visited again yesterday.


The surprising thing about his home, Rowan Oak, is how small it is inside. Downstairs are a parlor, library, office, and kitchen; upstairs, three bedrooms. The rooms are very basic but neat. Most of the original furniture is still there, left when the family vacated the house after Faulkner’s death in 1962.

In his office you can still see the outline for the chapters of his novel Sanctuary, written in pencil on the whitewashed walls around his bed.